fuck this shit
Age 30, Male
whatever i want
thumb up my butt
Joined on 4/25/11
Jolly 2011-11-21 04:59:38
A lot of serial killers are seemingly fairly normal, aren't they? The only really famous serial killer than I can think of that seemed even the slightest abnormal is John Wayne Gacy, and that's only because he was a clown.
Xarnor 2011-11-21 04:59:38
Haha clown serial killer, that's kinda creepy. Hello little child, would you like a balloooooon? :)))
A lot of serial killers are seemingly fairly normal, aren't they?
The only really famous serial killer than I can think of that seemed even the slightest abnormal is John Wayne Gacy, and that's only because he was a clown.
Haha clown serial killer, that's kinda creepy. Hello little child, would you like a balloooooon? :)))