If you like death metal, industrial metal, or complex well-made high quality music that has tons and tons of blood sweat and tears put into it, you would probably like The Project Hate, and if you can fully appreciate their music, you'll be a fan of TPH for sure. The music itself is like I said very complex and just really top-notch music, and the people involved with making the music are great people and stay in direct contact with their fans. I've talked with Lord K a bit about metal and stuff, he's a really cool guy who puts together amazing music.
Anyways the label that released their most recent album apparently isn't interested in putting out their next one, so they are going to be relying on donations to record their next album. In the hopes that there are some fans here on Newgrounds of theirs who haven't heard this yet, or potential new fans, who will be willing to donate money to them, I'm posting this. I for one am definitely going to be donating, probably only $20 but anything helps, plus that's more than half of my current amount of cash haha. Anyways, if you're a fan, help em out, if not, listen to these songs and become a fan!