fuck this shit

Age 30, Male

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Banned for trolling

Posted by Xarnor - November 18th, 2011

When I wasn't trolling. If your opinion goes against the majority, it's obviously a foolish attempt to simply get a rise out of people. Do people ever actually think about anything they say and do?


What are you even talking about?

And I'm glad that you're banned. What you said was horrifying.

Nothing about that thread was horrifying in any way. I don't even know why everyone pretends to care about this shit these days. Do you guys honestly believe that you care about a woman being beaten because of how she dresses, when you then turn around and wish worse on the guys who did it? You don't care about the woman, you care about your own fucked up sense of justice based on your own perceptions of right and wrong that are based on nothing but your own observations, and your own observations are controlled by the circumstances and situations around you.

If five men were beaten within an inch of their lives by a single woman, you would laugh, because your mentality is not based in love for people, it's based on what society tells you is right and wrong. Stop acting like you have any kind of genuine love for people, and I'll stop hating you and everyone else who follows the religion of self.

What happened?

Faggots happened. And I was actually banned for being mean, which is complete bullshit but what are you gonna do, it's not like the mods only ban for breaking the rules.

That's whack mang, but it is the internet and anything goes on this POS lol

lmao yeah anything goes except being mean apparently. And what a coincidence, I was just listening to one of your new songs. Great shit, man!

You can cut the straw-man arguments and ad hominem anytime, kid.

Would you be upset if I was beaten for how I dress?

I think anyone getting the snot beaten out of them for no reason is disgusting.

Just because you believe that people don't care doesn't mean that's actually true.

In a sense you're right, though. As much as I hate to say it, there is a lot of people that don't care. Just pity. And sometimes even false pity.

There are people who do though. It's not everybody, but some do. That article made my stomach knot up in rage for what they did. If it didn't for you that's fine, but don't generalize everyone else when you're not everybody else.
I do love people. I care about people. And really, no amount of words otherwise could make me think I only feel that way for myself because I don't.

I guess that's just me though. It's the way I always thought.

Well that's good if you have a genuine love for people. I am assuming however that you have no love for the men who did the beating. This is normal conditional love, and I suppose anything more is too much to expect.

The next thing I want to know about you is what you believe happens after death; loving people should include concern for where they spend eternity.

Are you talking about hell? You didn't strike me as the religious type.

Well in terms of theology, I don't think anyone SHOULD go to hell. But I'm not going to say there isn't people who deserve it.

Do this boys deserve go to hell for what they did? I don't think so. Judging by this action it seems like they might do it again and/or have done it before. I'm going to be a hypocrite and generalize here, but chances are they don't feel remorseful for their actions. They might be victims of their own environment, but it still doesn't excuse what they did. If they continue down this path and feel nothing like wild animals doing and hurting as they please, then I think in the end they probably deserve Hell.

But that is only if there IS a hell. I'm not going to lie, I'm a religious guy, but even I have doubts about the whole thing from time to time.

Above all though, I think we should work on making THIS world a better place before worrying about the next. That's one of the main problems with religion. Everyone is so concerned with Heaven or Hell that they forget there is serious problems here that need to be fixed.

Anyway that's my standing. Granted I think most of Newgrounds is atheist. Or at least atheists are the most vocal users on the forums. That's okay though. I think everyone should do their part to making this place better, and most atheists do, really. Can't say the same for people who don't practice what they preach.

All of the problems here on earth can be fixed with Christianity. Literally everyone who gets saved no longer worries about their problems as much, and instead begin to focus on worshiping God, which brings peace and contentment regardless of how horrible their situation. In fact, the worse a person has it, the stronger his faith becomes in Jesus; the Christians in 3rd world countries have more faith than anyone I know here in America, and there are a lot of miracles happening. There are plenty of videos depicting incredible healings and miracles done by Christians, and most of them are from 3rd world countries, but most people ignore them because videos are so easy to fake.

I agree though, not practicing what I preach is not a good thing. I really should start practicing it, but at the very least hopefully I can stop preaching it, because I'm not gonna lead anyone to Christ if I'm not even following the Bible.

If people actually followed the true meanings of the Bible. Like the actual TEACHINGS about living a more virtuous life, I totally agree with you.

If you want to follow it, why on Earth did you say that girl deserved the stomping she received?

That was just a poor taste in a joke, but I am not right now actively following the Bible, I just know that I should. I don't actually think that she deserved the stomping.

As long as you don't truly think so. I'm sorry to ask, it just really bothered me when I read it.

So you were trolling a little bit weren't you? :P

Maybe a little bit.