Using entire clips of other people's songs isn't cool. If you really want to use the melody of another song, remake it yourself as best you can, but never do what you did in the beginning of this song. Even though you did give credit, which is good, you can't just cut whole sections out of other songs and throw them into your own work. It's always best to create your own music with your own tools, from your own ideas.
The rest of the song is your own creation, and that's good. I can tell that you are new to creating music; there is no structure or melody to this song, and a good song needs both. Your drum work is good, and you used a good variety of synths, but the song just drones on randomly with no direction.
This doesn't mean that it is an awful song or that you are an awful artist. Like I said, I can tell that you're more or less new to this. Keep making music. Make a shorter song, with a melody that is pleasant to listen to. Use different effects on your synth, like reverbs and delays and filters. Try to include an intro, body, and outro.
I will give you 5 stars for the effort. I know that you probably didn't know that there is a problem with using other people's music like that when you made this, so don't feel bad. Just don't do it in the future. Continue to make up your on music, but put lots of effort into it!